When one gains weight due to aging or unhealthy eating, it almost as always manifests in the midsection. The tummy area is one of the problem areas both men and women try hard to reduce when trying to lose weight. If you are one of them, this might be your lucky day. You'll find 3 effective exercises for stomach fat in this simple read.
Aside from changing your eating habits, you will have to learn a few exercises that can effectively eliminate stomach fat. Take a look at this list:
Bicycle Crunches Routine
Fitness professionals highly recommend these exercise routines. It works by tightening your outer and inner oblique muscles. You don't need to go to the gym to perform this routine. Here are a few simple steps to perform bicycle crunches:
Step 1: Lie flat with your back on the floor. You may use a mat.
Step 2: Position your hands behind your head.
Step 3: Slowly raise both knees at 45° degree, and then raise your head several inches off the floor, do this gently. While in this position, start mimicking bike pedaling movements. Maintain proper breathing techniques while performing this workout.
The Captain's Chair Routine
Exercises for stomach should be able to trim down your waistline. The captain's chair routine uses vertical knee raise equipment. Most fitness centers have this exercise equipment because it is an effective tool in strengthening the arms and the legs, aside from tightening abdominal muscles.
Step 1: Starting position: stand in front of the vertical knee raise machine.
Step 2: Place both arms and elbows on the armrest. Then make sure that your lower body is lifted a few inches off the floor.
Step 3: Lift your knees towards your chest. This is a slow process.
Step 4: While maintaining proper breathing, gently lower the knees back down to starting position.
Balance Ball Crunches
The balance or the exercise ball is one of the most useful tools when you want to lose those excess stomach fats. If you don't have one yet, you can purchase an exercise ball from any fitness store or you can go to the gym.
How to perform the exercise:
Step 1: Starting position: sit on the exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor while your legs are opened in V position. Maintain your balance.
Step 2: Position both your hands behind your head
Step 3: Lie flat with your back on the balance ball. Your upper body has to be parallel to the floor.
Step 4: Inhale then slowly raise your abdomen to a 45° angle. Contract your stomach while doing this.
Step 5: Return to starting position as you exhale.
These three exercises are proven to be very effective. Fitness experts say that to maximize the results, you have to add cardiovascular exercises to your routine. It is also important that you maintain proper eating habits. An effective routine would be at least 30 minutes of different exercises for stomach every day for a leaner and healthier body.