By Marlene Page

Over-exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can cause significant damage to your skin including but not limited to deep set wrinkles early on in life. UV rays can be so damaging to skin as they penetrate your skin and damage the collagen.

For those who don't know collagen are the building blocks of your skin and keep it tight and looking young. Once you damage the collagen in your skin it is damaged for good and cannot be restored or rejuvenated.

Sunless tanning lotions are a little time consuming to apply, but they are very easy to use. A tan from these tanning products will generally last for a week and a half before you have to reapply to maintain the tanned look.

People who sunbathe regularly will often find these spots all over their body. Many people think a sun tan is a healthy look for their skin and makes them feel more confident in their day to day lives. However many people who tan on a regular basis are completely uneducated on the effects of the activity. When your skin is exposed to the sun's UV rays, your skin's melanocytes ( A pigment-producing cell in the skin) produce melanin, the dark pigment that creates that golden tan that we all strive for.

In the past, sunless tanning lotions were a little splotchy and tended to give the skin a bit of an orange tinge. However, if you haven't checked out a tanning lotion lately you are probably not aware of all the improvement.

Sometimes because of the weather fluctuations it is very difficult to get a good tan from the sun. Therefore, people go in for tanning through the tanning beds.

If you continue to get a sunburn it can dramatically increase your risk of developing skin cancer as this damage cam alter the genetic makeup of your skin. Another risk of too much sun is eye damage.

Too much sunlight can harm your eyes by damaging the lens and even the retina. Overexposure to the sun's UV rays can also increase your risk of developing cataracts. Cataracts occur when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and will make all images blurry and out of focus.

You can also use a sunless tanning lotion with your traditional tan. If you like to go to the tanning bed or lay out at the beach on occasion, then use the tanning lotion to cut back a little.

Studies have shown that the average person's lifetime their chance of obtaining skin cancer is 1 in 5. There are three main types of skin cancer:

Sunless tanning lotions are most beneficial because they are a health benefit. Using them isn't necessarily helpful, but it can keep you from doing something that can be very unhealthy.

This will enhance the tanned effect and give the sun kissed glow to your skin. Also take care of your skin while tanning and never let it dry and you really need to take extra care of your face Another thing which will result in good tan is the right clothes.

3) Melanoma: Melanoma is the most lethal of all three skin cancers. Melanoma has the ability to spread all over your body and is often found on areas of the body not exposed to the sun like the soles of the feet and in between the toes. Studies show that more than 80% of skin cancer deaths are from melanoma and that it only takes two severe sunburns before the age of 18 to double your risk of developing it.

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